Leading Others

The Launching to Leadership Program is designed to help managers become even more effective leaders; delving into the fundamentals of self-leadership, leading your team, and motivating others to accomplish your organization’s goals.  This will be offered via ZOOM and is catered for Branch Managers, Customer Service Managers, Ops Managers or any Department Managers.

Session 1: “Leadership Starts with You!

Topics:  Understanding Your Leadership Style 

– Customized DISC Workplace Profile Report, Develop a Leaders Mindset, Manage Your Time and Your Energy 

Session 2: “Coaching for Success”

Topics: Creating a Culture of Feedback, Conducting Effective Coaching Sessions, Handle Challenging Employee Situations with Greater Certainty in Your Decisions

Session 3: “Focus on Continuous Performance Management”

Topics: Delegating Effectively, Getting Results from Your Team, Manage Employee Performance



The participants will learn relevant leadership skills and leave with an action that focuses on:

  • Developing a leadership style that builds on your preferences for interacting with others
  • Handling difficult situations with greater confidence
  • Building strong relationships through effective coaching
  • Enhancing critical skills/behaviors needed to develop the team, team members, and obtain lasting results


Investment: $947 per participant for the entire program

  • This program includes Customized DISC Workplace Report, Leadership Action Planner, and Participant Workbook.

This program can be offered in person at your location. Indicate in the form if needed!

Launching to Leadership Instructor

Both Cindy and Gail have strong expertise in leadership, Human Resource and Management development.  They will engage you in an interactive program that will offer current and practical tips to make you a more exceptional and impactful leader!

Gail K Tilstra
Cindy Rowan